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New Sheridan Smith Drama 










Filming has started on new ITV and drama I Fought The Law, starring Sheridan Smith in the lead role. 

The series portrays the heart-breaking, real-life story of mother, Ann Ming, and her fight to change the Double Jeopardy Law and see her daughter’s murderer brought to justice. 

Written by screenwriter Jamie Crichtn and based on Ann Ming’s book For The Love of Julie, the series recounts how tenacious mother of three, Ann Ming, battled for 15 years so that her daughter’s murderer could finally face justice, having been controversially acquitted following two mistrials. 

The cast also includes Daniel York Loh as Charlie Ming and Enzo Cilenti as DS Mark Braithwaite. 

I Fought The Law tells how Ann and her family dealt with Julie’s disappearance in Billingham, Cleveland in November 1989 after working her late shift at a local pizza parlour. 

The drama follows Ann and her family, as they campaign tirelessly in Julie’s name.

29 August 2024

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