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 Blue Peter Presenter Assaulted 

Yvetter FieldingYvetter Fielding










Blue Peter's youngest ever presenter has claimed disgraced entertainer Rolf Harris sexually assaulted her when she was a teenage host of the children's show.

Yvette Fielding, who joined the long-running BBC show aged 18, told a newspaper how the paedophile predator squeezed and patted her bottom after finding herself alone with him in a television studio.  

The now 55-year-old also recalled an uncomfortable experience with "grotesque" Jimmy Savile, who was later revealed to be one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders. 

Fielding has questioned the role of the BBC in allowing their behaviour, arguing people in the industry "must have known".

She became a Blue Peter presenter in 1987 and left five years later, going on to host a string of BBC programmes including The Heaven And Earth Show, The General and City Hospital.

Recounting the incident with Harris, she said: "It was very confusing and shocking - just bizarre to think Rolf Harris was squeezing and patting my bottom and I am standing there, thinking 'I don't know what to do'.

"Other people in the industry must have known what he was like and you left me alone in the studio with him.

"That shouldn't have happened. I must have been 18 or 19.

"I think a lot of them did know."

18 May 2024 

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