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DEanny RobbinsDEanny Robbins










Uncanny, which had its successful first series on BBC Two last year is set to return for a new series hosted by award-winning writer and broadcaster Danny Robins, with more spooky stories and paranormal investigations. 

Dubbed ‘the scariest show on TV’, the series, which is made by BBC Studios Specialist Factual Productions and based on the hit BBC Radio 4 podcast of the same name, will be investigating more real-life stories of seemingly supernatural encounters - experiences that appear to defy logical explanation. Danny will be once again be joined by sceptic Dr Ciarán O’Keeffe and Parapsychologist Evelyn Hollow, who provide expert analysis as the investigations unfold. 

Once again, viewers will be invited to send in their own theories about the cases, or provide information that may move the investigations forward. 

Danny Robins said: "Uncanny is coming back to haunt your screens again! I've been blown away and moved by the response to our first season, and I'm grateful to the BBC for supporting us in making something that feels really different I hope to anything else out there. It was a thrill to see fans of the podcast loving it, but also to welcome a whole new audience. What I love about Uncanny is that, whether you're Team Believer, Team Sceptic or Team Not Sure, you can enjoy the mystery of these stories in your own way. I can't wait to bring you another set of brand new cases to investigate. Get ready to meet some truly compelling witnesses telling you about some terrifyingly extraordinary events. But are they genuinely paranormal? Let's see... but I can tell you they are definitely bloody scary."

22 May 2024

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